Impact on Mental Health Due to The Covid-19 Pandemic
In the last two years, the world went on a high a

lert when it first observed the spread of Covid-19. Little did the people know that this virus is going to turn their lives upside down. People started to stock necessary things, isolated themselves, and learned the importance of family and staying at home. The entire world came together and followed all the necessary protocols to fight this virus. As the pandemic sweeps across the world, people are induced with a degree of fear and concern. Countries are running out of medical facilities, people are losing their loved ones; individuals are stuck at their respective locations away from their families, and what not the world has seen due to this pandemic. All this has taken a toll on the mind of the people. ‘COVID-19 Impact on Mental Health’ is the most common topic that is being discussed nowadays.
It is a known fact that you cannot cage a human being. They are not designed to stay in constraints. But the pandemic has made them stay inside the four walls. The constant and prolonged fear, losing jobs, declining financial status, not having enough food to eat, anxiety about the health of the family and friends, constantly hearing about new death polls, unexpected lockdowns, and fear of isolation have all affected the mental health of people severely.
It is true that we cannot control what is happening in the outside world, but we can surely control how we react and deal with the situation that the world is offering. Maybe it is time when we all should accept these challenges to make our willpower stronger. Look at this tough time as an opportunity to build a strong character and change the definition of CO
VID-19 Impact on Mental Health. Given below are some pro tips which can help you deal with the situation in a better way.
Challenge your Negative Thoughts
The most common trait of a negative thought is t
hat it can create a chain and become so strong that you start to believe that it’s true. Whenever any negative emotion or thought crosses your mind, you need to shut it down by doing something that you like, or talking to someone you love.
Stay Physically and Mentally Active
Exercises release happy hormones. Try to stay active both mentally and physically. Follow a routine that can help you deal with stress and use this time as an opportunity to learn something new like cooking, gardening, dancing, painting, etc.
Surround Yourself with Loved Ones
Don’t let social distancing affect your connection with your loved ones. Thanks to modern technology, you can easily stay in touch with your family and friends via video calls, phone calls, voice notes, and social media platforms.
Take Deliberate Breaks
Taking breaks during the day can help you deal with tension and manage fatigue. Try to explore new things which can help you uplift your mood.
Also Read: Lockdown Stories – Love
COVID-19 Impact on Mental Health has been severe. But if we choose to stay happy and shut away from the negativity that the world is facing, we can manage our mental health well.